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Is Gabapentin Addictive?

Gabapentin also known as neurontin is a medication that is prescribed in case of nerve pain & restless leg syndrome (RLS) and is highly effective too but with time people have started to ask this question, is gabapentin addictive?

Lets find out the answer to this question.

To answer this question there are things that we need to know first. Like what is addiction, what causes addiction, what is gabapentin made of and how can a medicine cause addiction.

What Is Gabapentin?

Introduces in early 1990’s Gabapentin which is also sold under the brand name Neurontin got its FDA approval in early 2000’s. Neurontin is widely prescribed by doctors to treat damaged nerves and to treat conditions like epilepsy, Restless Leg Syndrome(RLS) and hot flashes.

Gabapentin falls under the class of medicine called GABA analogue. It has a chemical structure which is very similar to Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA).

GABA is the brain chemical that can produce feelings of relaxation and calmness. These feelings can help you with nerve pain, anxiety and even poor sleep.

To get these results you need to know that gabapentin usually stays in your system for 48 hours and you need to consume it the way your doctor has prescribed it to you. If you stop consuming before completing your full course then gabapentin withdrawal symptoms will come into effect.

Gabapentin Abuse

People with a history of substance abuse are more likely to abuse gabapentin. It has been reported that an overdose of gabapentin results in feelings of pleasure and tranquility in addition to a high that is similar to that of marijuana.

Many studies has been conducted in the recent past for substance abuse in America. A recent study meant to represent the national population found that almost 15% of the participants took gabapentin along with other drugs to get high within the past 6 months. A quarter of the sample population consumed gabapentin more than 3 times recommended dosage just to satisfy their addiction.

Since neurontin is a controlled substance and its availability without prescription makes it policing of over dosage very difficult but the respective government with proper knowledge and situation is trying to figure out a solution this problem.

Is Gabapentin Addictive You Ask?

If you ever ask yourself “am I addicted to Gabapentin?” Here is your answer

Since Gabapentin Or Neurontin does not interacts with the opioids receptors but it targets GABA neurotransmitter instead, It is not considered to be very addictive.

With this being said, you also have to consider neurontin can produce withdrawal symptoms to those who quit before completing their recommended dosage or among those people who abuse the consumption of this medicine. Also, Gabapentin is a sedative and can create high so it likely the some individuals may get psychologically dependent on its consumption.

Gabapentin’s unique ability to cure multiple ailments at once has made it one of the most prescribed drugs if not the most prescribed medicine in USA. While there are many companies out their selling gabapentin and other drugs online but medlifetime remains one of the best source to Buy Neurontin (Gabapentin) Online in USA

Gabapentin Addiction Symptoms

It’s crucial to keep an eye out for these signals and other red flags, such as a house full of empty pill bottles. The health, means of sustenance, and security of an individual are all at risk from these effects.

As the drug may have euphoria-like effects at high doses (800 mg or more), and because abuse of Gabapentin does not show up on drug tests, it is often abused by people in the early stages of recovery. Getting high on gabapentin often involves mixing medication with opioids, which is very dangerous.

If you ever find someone with symptoms of gabapentin overdose then report it to your doctor immateriality.

Here are some of the symptoms of Gabapentin Addiction:

  • Not telling the complete truth about your present condition to your doctor.
  • Constantly reaching out to new doctors to get extra prescription for neurontin
  • Changing in habit or surrounding frequently
  • Getting anxious with the though of losing the ability to find or purchase gabapentin
  • Refusing to quit consumption even if consuming leads to deterioration of social, financial or legal issues
  • Failed attempts to quit

Rehabilitation from Gabapentin Dependence

Long-term, high-dose use of the drug Gabapentin may cause physical and psychological dependence on it. Tolerance to a medication’s effects indicates that the patient needs the drug to achieve the desired state of well-being. Abruptly discontinuing the usage of a medication like gabapentin may be dangerous and cause a range of withdrawal symptoms whose severity can vary.


In comparison to pregabalin, gabapentin has a lower risk for addiction, however this difference relies on the population that is exposed to the medicine. The risk of establishing a dependency on gabapentin is minimal in those who do not have another SUD, either now or in the past.

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