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Hire Laravel Developer

Hire Remote Laravel Developers in 48 Hours

As the best Laravel development company, your business can benefit by partnering with us to build custom websites or mobile applications. Our expertise extends to creating highly secure solutions. Our highly trained Laravel developers build feature-rich solutions tailored to meet your business requirements and improve your ROI. This also means incorporating advanced technologies like AI/ML, AR/VR, etc. in the applications we develop.

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Flexible Engagement Models

176 Hours

Working/Month with Direct Resources Access

In-house Pre-vetted Developers.

In-house Pre-vetted Developers


Available Laravel Developers for Hire



Save Up to 60%

Save on Development and Maintenance Costs

Like Others Before you

A leading Asian company with an official partnership with

Being a leading software development company, we have formed partnerships to provide you with the best service.

Cost to Hire Laravel Developers

Take advantage of our flexible hiring models based on the scope of your project. The expertise and extensive experience of our dedicated Laravel team, works to your advantage.

Developer Types Junior Developer Mid Level Developer Senior Level Developer
Estimate Cost $2640 $3520 $4400
Experience Developer 1 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5+ Years
Risk-free Trial 5 Days 5 Days 5 Days
Methodology Agile Development Agile Development Agile Development
Development Manager Yes Yes Yes
Lock-ins No No No
Time Zone Availability Yes Yes Yes
Hire Laravel Developer

Our Engagement Models to Hire Laravel Developers

Affordable Laravel solutions for cutting-edge websites or mobile apps to give your business a boost and gain an upper edge over your competitors.

Full time hiringFull-Time Hiring Part time hiringPart-Time Hiring hourly base hiringHourly Hiring
View Hire

8 Hours

4 Hours

Hour Basis

Hiring Period (Min)

1 Month

1 Month

25 Hours

Quarterly Advance Payment

2.5% Discount

Half Yearly Advance Payment

5% Discount

Yearly Advance Payment

10% Discount




Phone, Chat, E-mail

Project Trackers

Daily Reports, Basecamp, Jira, Redmine etc.

Simplified Hiring Process


Finalize Requirements

The requirements are analyzed first followed with brainstorming & the necessary technology and skilled developers are selected.


Shortlist Developers

We provide a list of relevant professionals based on technical & interpersonal skills. This is followed by the interview process, the signing of a contract and NDA.


Select Your Team

A set of team members are selected based on custom criteria. The developers selected for the project are provided with the necessary resources.


Begin the Project

The developers start working on the project with the remote development the company handling all the tasks and providing updates reports regularly.

Customized Laravel Web Applications Development

Our team of developers are highly trained and keep abreast with the latest trends and advanced technologies to deliver state-of-the-art web applications. We take advantage of the fact that Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks for web app development.

Laravel Integration & Maintenance

Our high attention to detail works in your favor as do our problem-solving abilities. With a skilled team of Laravel developers having access to all the necessary resources, you can trust us for the maintenance and integration of your Laravel projects.

Laravel Porting & Migration Services

Migrate your existing software to Laravel and reap the benefits of the plethora of features Laravel has to offer. We offer loss porting & migration services to bring your data and application preferences to Laravel solutions.

Laravel CMS Development

Our skilled developers leverage the features of Laravel to create highly secure, scalable, stable, and customized CMS solutions for your business. We have the expertise to deliver cutting-edge CMS solutions irrespective of the type or size of the business.

API & Module Development

Our custom development services also include developing API & modules including highly functional RESTful solutions to allow you to extend the functionality of your applications and offer more to your customers.

Laravel Enterprise Development

Enterprise business solutions to boost productivity and increase your ROI by taking advantage of our skilled Laravel developers who also have extensive knowledge of several advanced technologies for automation, machine learning, and more interactive solutions.

Laravel Web Development

Our dedicated team of Laravel developers offers creative and innovative solutions for fully customized Laravel development solutions. We provide a highly personalized website development service.

Laravel eCommerce development

Develop a more secure online store with our Laravel eCommerce developers. We deliver innovative and creative solutions to ensure your customers enjoy a more personalized experience and increase customer retention.

Laravel support and maintenance

You always need an eagle’s eye to make things work even better. Our Laravel support and maintenance team has an eye for detail and good problem solving abilities to find bugs and security issues in your website and fix them instantly.

Tech Stack Proficiency of our Dedicated Laravel Developers

Laravel Functionality

Laravel Jetstream | Model Factory Classes | Migration Squashing | Broadcasting | Tailwind CSS For Views | Events | Queues | Task Scheduling | Error Handling | Logging | File Storage | Mail service | Localization | Hashing | Traits | Testing | Micro Service Architecture


Laravel Breeze Auth Scaffolding | Cashier | Dusk | Envoy | Fortify | Homestead | Horizon | Jetstream | Octane | Passport | Sail | Sanctum | Scout | Socialite | Telescope | Valet


PyroCMS | October CMS | TypiCMS | Statamic | Lavalite


Selenium | Codeception | Buggregator | Gauge | PHPSpec | PHPUnit

UX Designing

Lumen | Blade Templating | Front-end Technologies i.e. React js | Angular Js | Vue js


Firebase Analytics | Heroku | Azure | Dapr | Docker | Amazon Web Services(AWS)

Version Control

Github | Bitbucket | Gitlab

Communication Tool

Slack | Microsoft Team | Hangout


Google Meet | Zoom | GoToMeeting


PhpStorm | Visual Studio Code | Notepad++ | Sublime

Designer Tool

Zeplin | Xd Adobe | Invision App


MongoDB | PostgreSQL | MySQL | SQLite | SQL Server

TALL Stack

Tailwind | Alpine.js | Laravel | Livewire

Project Management Tools

JIRA | Trello | BaseCamp



Deployment Process


Upgrade Services

10.x | 9.x | 8.x | 7.x | 6.x | 5.8 | 5.7 | 5.6 | 5.5 | 5.4 | 5.3 | 5.2 | 5.1 | 5

Laravel + Vue JS

Vue.JS is the ideal frontend JavaScript framework for an elegant and user-friendly interface. We take advantage of this and integrate it with our feature-rich Laravel solutions to deliver strategic solutions for your business.


Laravel + React JS

Laravel and React JS happen to be two of the most popular backend and frontend frameworks respectively. We combine the power of both and deliver high-performing, scalable, secure, and visually appealing solutions for your business.


Laravel + Angular

Angular is a comprehensive JavaScript framework with support for data binding, ergonomic APIs, DOM, and TypeScript 4.4, thus making the combination of Laravel and Angular ideal to develop business solutions that are out of this world.


Laravel + WordPress

Our high-level knowledge allows us to combine the simplicity of WordPress with the security of Laravel to develop cutting-edge solutions with a low learning curve. It is ideal for developing appealing web apps.


Laravel + MongoDB

We have the expertise to take advantage of MongoDB for your feature-rich and custom Laravel application. This allows for faster and high-performing solutions by implementing MongoDB which is a NoSQL database that implements JSON-like documents.


Laravel with Alpine

Alpine isn’t just another JavaScript framework. It provides you with a lightweight set of codes to develop swift websites. Add to that the power of our Laravel development service and you get a world-class project.

How to Find the Best Laravel Developer for Hire

Hiring Guide for Laravel developers

  • Let's introduce Laravel to you

  • Stats about Laravel

  • Technical skills of a Laravel developer

  • Challenges of hiring Laravel developer

  • Tools used by Laravel developers?

  • Writing the job description to hire Laravel developers

  • Hire Laravel developers

Let's introduce Laravel to you

Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks thus making it ideal for a wide range of applications, including yours. It will work in your favor if you have a clear picture of your project requirements and design.

Stats about Laravel

  • PHP is used by approximately 79% of websites and Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks. 

  • Laravel has a market share of 0.35% for all website development frameworks.

  • There are over 783,345 active websites developed using Laravel.

  • Laravel has 69.5K Github starts.

Technical skills of a Laravel developer

The basic skills to look for in a Laravel developer include:

  • Coding skills for PHP and Laravel

  • High-level knowledge of database and querying.

  • Familiar with concepts of OOP & MVC and their importance.

  • Web development skills.

Possible challenges during the hiring of a Laravel developer?

It is also vital you convey this to the development team clearly during the hiring process, to ensure they have a clear picture of the requirements thus allowing you to better judge their capabilities. Research well on the benefits of your project scope, the benefits of Laravel, and the development firm you are hiring. Shortlist the development firms or developers which appear to be most relevant to your business project and organize interviews which are usually more revealing and an essential step during the hiring process. 

What are the tools used by Laravel developers?

There are many tools that can simplify the process of Laravel development. Some of them are listed here like PhpStorm, Laravel Ecosystem, Laravel Forge, Laravel Vapor, Tinker, and Socialite.

Writing the job description to hire Laravel developers

A Laravel job description will typically have the following elements:

  • Key technical skills required including Laravel

  • Reason for the Laravel job opening.

  • Role & responsibilities

  • About Company

  • Company structure pertaining to the Laravel Developer

  • Company benefits like compensation, bonus, perks, training, etc.

  • What you expect from the Laravel developer.

Hire Laravel developers

Laravel is one of the best options when it comes to developing a decent website. It is an application to all types of industries. There is more to hiring a Laravel developer than you might imagine. It is a good idea to follow a well-established procedure as mentioned here. Start with laying down your requirements and asking all the right questions. Select one based on their past projects, testimonials, reviews, and skill set.

Looking For Related Tech Talent?


Is the 7 days risk-free trial period completely free?

It is a risk-free trial only! It allows you to gain a better perspective of our quality of work.

What is the hourly rate for a Laravel developer?

You can hire our remote Laravel developers from the starting price of $15 per hour and $2640 per month.

Why hire a Laravel developer?

Laravel is one of the fastest-growing frameworks with a backup of a huge community. It offers all you need to build a modern-day website and web app. If you would like to know more about its awesomeness, have a look at our blog post on "Why use Laravel?".

How much does it cost to hire laravel developer?

Acquaint softtech offer very cost-effective development rates. You can hire our Laravel developers from the starting price of $15/hours and $2640/Month.

Why should I hire Laravel developers from Acquaint Softtech?

Here is why you should go with us: 

  • Our technical skills and knowledge of advanced technologies.

  • Fluency in English and timely delivery of milestones.

  • You can save up to 40% of your development cost with us.

  • We take full responsibility to complete your project on time.

  • We bring over 15 years of experience and have already completed numerous Laravel projects.

  • You get the full flexibility to expand or shrink your team anytime.

  • You will be in constant touch with us and get daily updates on the progress.

Why should I hire Laravel developers in India?

The technical skills of Laravel developers in India tend to be better besides which the cost to develop a website is lesser in India as compared to European countries and the USA.

I'm not a technical founder of a start-up. Can I manage a team?

Yes. We offer full support including a dedicated point of contact to guide you through the development process and expert advice as well. 

Can you assemble a team that’s right for my project's needs?

Yes, we have professional consultants with the expertise to understand your project requirements and find the appropriate designers, developers, and QA team necessary for your project.

Is there a project manager assigned to manage the resources?

Yes, we do assign the project to a project manager who takes full responsibility for the development process and provides timely reports.

What is your payment method after the engagement?

We provide flexible payment methods hence our clients can opt for the most suitable option.

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